Thursday, September 18, 2008

Classic and contemporary Movies : Swades-We the people

Well,while on the topic of mystique can we forget to mention some hindi movies which go beyond the call and convey a strong and relevant message.

In this context a contemporary movie which indeed makes a mark is "Swades-We the people" directed by the maker of some socially relevant and period movies-Ashutosh Gowarikar.

Swades depicts the travails of Non resident Indian and an scientist at NASA who on his visit to India is so drawn to his roots and home,that at the end of the movie he decides to return to his country and his people.

This movie drives home the scenario witnessed by our generation of "Reverse Brain drain".Today many are finding it more enriching to work in their home country and be a witness to the revolution in India!

Here's to our generation who are witness to a vibrant and burgeoning India!!!

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