Saturday, August 9, 2008

Mystical Malaysia

So true to my Blogs title lets explore a mystical Country-----Malaysia!

The Name Malaysia means "Swampy or flowing waters".It is named based on the location of Mayalsia in a Plateau,in between the valleys.

Called "Malaya" at first it gained independence from the British Colonisation in 1957.It was only made up of Malay Peninsula and Singapore island. After a few years, Sabah and Sarawak,the Muslim rulers decided to join Malaya to form Malaysia in 1963.Singapore left the confederation in 1965.

Before being ruled by the Muslim rulers Malaysia was ruled by Malay-Hindu rulers.The Melaka Sultanate then ruled the Malay kingdom both side of the Straits of Malaka(Now called Mallaca -the earliest historical location and still part of current Malaysia) for over a hundred years.Islam was established as the religion of the Malays, and had profound effect on Malay society.

The arrival of Europeans in Malaysia brought a dramatic change to the country. In 1511 and the portugese colony near Mallaca is still a tourist attraction.

Albequerques famous conquest of Mallaca and the remains of the ship "Flor do Mar" sank that capsized on his crews return voyage to Goa is till seen off the coast of Mallaca.

The now famous "A Famosa Resort"( was Albuquerque’s fortress where, the Vice Roy ordered the erection of a large stone monument inscribed with the names of the men having taken part in the exploit.

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